In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex designed a new computer font entitled “KFGQPC AN Font”.

This came in the statements of Shaikh Talal bin Razen Al-Rehaili, the Secretary-General of King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex, illustrating that the aforementioned computer font of the modern fonts group.

KFGQPC AN Font is one of the recent computer font. It is used to write texts and titles clearly on the smart devices' screens, TV screen, websites, road signs and etc. It has different patterns:

Light Font: KFGQPC AN Light

Regular Font: KFGQPC AN Regular

الخط السميك: KFGQPC AN Bold

 The rest of the patterns will be launched soon.

Download the final publication of the font to ensure having the latest version of the font.

خط الشاشات والأجهزة الذكية بمختلف أنماطه

File type Details Download
KFGQPC AN Light, Regular and Bold
Version No: 0.01
Size: ‏‏69 كيلوبايت